Race 2, Round 2 of Malaysia Superbike Championship was held at the Sepang International Circuit today. Abdullah Qayyum Abdul Razak of Twoway claimed victory today in the Berjaya Sompo Y16ZR Race MasterClass.

It was a never-ending battle between the riders in the race category. But standing out among them was Shafiq Ezzariq who showcased skills as he went on to maintain his position among the front troop. Qayyum and Adie were equally competitive but Shafiq’s strategy for the day presented him with the win.

In today’s race, as usual, the riders were in full form as they went on to get the best spot. Shafiq Ezzariq however made it to P1 at the first turn and drew a gap with the troop behind him before the lap ended. Adam made it into P2 while Qayyum took P3. Into lap 2, Arash emerged ahead but Shafiq was seen aggressively pushing ahead. Adie tried to maintain his position among the front troop before taking the lead at the end of lap 2 with Syukran and Arash close behind. By the end of lap 3, Shafiq once again took control of the troop.

With another two laps to go, the battle became intense. Adie was determined to make it big. He once again emerged ahead of the troop but the huge wave of riders was intense as they went on to attack him. But Adie played smart by maintaining his position among the front troop. At the final turn, Arash broke away from the troop but Qayyum would not give up and went for victory, clocking in at 17’30:363s.

Commenting on the race, Qayyum said, “It was a highly-competitive race since it was a big troop. I tried to work on my strategies throughout the race, to stay among the front troop. It was not easy as everyone was equally good. The weather condition was also not too bad today. I am grateful for the win today.”

Taking the second spot on the podium was Md Arash Tsunami of Berjaya Mega who clocked in at 17’30:390s.

Amirun Haziq Johan of EE Sing Motor made it third at 17’30:398s.


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